Advisory Board

The ULTIMO Advisory Board experts ensure that the project is aligned and up-to-date with the other related activities and projects internationally. By sharing their expertise, skills and knowledge with the consortium, the AB members contribute to ULTIMO results being as valuable as possible for the sector.

Dr. Till Ackermann

Philippe Chretien
Executive manager of the CEESAR association, dedicated to road safety research
Juridical expert concerning road transportation

Dr. Mara Cole
Mobility Project Manager,
Bayern Innovativ

Benno Nager
Deputy Head of Department Intelligent Mobility
Coordinator in charge Automated driving trials in Switzerland
Legal expert in traffic technology / project manager Intelligent Mobility
The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)

Henriette Cornet

Anastasija Collen
University of Geneva (UNIGE)
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Senior Researcher – Cybersecurity / WP4
Specialist topics that interest me:
Cybersecurity, Data privacy, Risk assessment, Security usability and awareness, Risks perception
My “no go” for teamwork:
Bad planning and postponing of work to the last minute, lack of communications
My topics for Smalltalk:
Kids, travel, music and reading
That’s me:
Privacy awareness and security hacking

Dimitri Konstantas
University of Geneva
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Associate Coordinator & Technical Manager
Specialist topics that interest me:
Creating commercial deployments of Autonomous Vehicles in Public Transportation, Pushing for a paradigm change in mobility
My “no go” for teamwork:
The “I know everything” attitude
My topics for Smalltalk:
Science Fiction (trekkie), International History, Mythology and Politics, Archaeology, New Technologies.
That’s me:
Participating in EU projects since ESPRIT I (1983), pluridisciplinary interests (from electronics to business and psychology), open to new ideas,
“I would have been doing the same things as a hobby,
but they decided to pay me for it!!”

Elias Zigah
PhD candidate at CentraleSupélec – Paris Saclay University
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Economic Impact Assessment (Dynamic tariff design for autonomous shuttle integrated into MaaS/LaaS system).
Specialist topics that interest me:
Econometrics, Data Analysis, Statistics, Transport & Energy Economics.
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of mutual respect Micromanagement
My topics for Smalltalk:
National Geography, Tech, Champions league, Weekend or travel plans, etc.
That’s me:
An Energy Analyst with MSc in Energy Economics and a Master of Development Economics. Experienced in energy policy, regulation and market design issues. Skilled in quantitative and analytical software packages including R, MATLAB and Python.

Elisa Jimeno
Capgemini Engineering
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Project Manager for ULTIMO
Specialist topics that interest me:
Network communications
Emerging technologies
Outside activities
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of companionship and respect
TIP: Try to put yourself in someone else’s place
My topics for Smalltalk:
Any research and crazy ideas to be implemented
Recommendations for travel
Adventures and sailing
That’s me:
I’ve been working as Project Manager for research projects since 2012. I love to learn from partners and colleagues and don’t loose contact after years, let’s keep connected ☺

Eric Silva
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
T4.2 – Services for LaaS users
Specialist topics that interest me:
Autonomous mobility, vehicle development, perception, localization, path planning. Navigation map for automated vehicles
My “no go” for teamwork:
Unclear definition of tasks
Bad team spirit
My topics for Smalltalk:
Travel, football, technology or anything interesting
That’s me:
I am an embedded systems engineer and work currently at LOXO for the development of our last mile delivery vehicle.

Evangelia (Lila) Gaitanidou
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas/ Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH/HIT) – Head of Road Safety and Security Lab
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP2, Leader T2.3
Specialist topics that interest me:
Road Safety, Automated Vehicles, User needs, Acceptance
My “no go” for teamwork:
My topics for Smalltalk:
Movies, books, music
That’s me:
~20 years of experience with EU funded research on road transport

Evangelos Antypas
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Internet of Things / Machine Learning Engineer, WPs 2,3,4,6.
Specialist topics that interest me:
IoT and embedded devices, Machine Learning, Data gathering and analyzing.
My “no go” for teamwork:
Not willing to listen to other people’s ideas.
My topics for Smalltalk:
Anything, except talking about the weather.
That’s me:
I’m working for CERTH/ITI as an IoT/ML Engineer since 2020, I have a M.Sc in 5G communications and a M.Eng in IoT. I have contributed the SHOW h2020 project, where I developed a keen interest in ML- enabled services for AVs. I love dogs and drinking cold coffee in the hot sun.

Florian Nikolai
DB Regio Bus
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP1 and WP6
Specialist topics that interest me:
Business Models, Digital Business, Public Transport Transformation
My “no go” for teamwork:
− Lack of communication
− Lack of general kindness
My topics for Smalltalk:
Football, Music, Politics
That’s me:
Digital Business Student from Northern Germany, who is interested in every upcoming transformation from public transport to farming.

Franziska Schär
Mobility Cooperative / SAAM
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Working on task 2.5
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Automated driving
− Sustainable and inclusive Mobility
− Customer Experience Innovation
My “no go” for teamwork:
Without open dialogue and collaboration, the team’s potential is stifled, and it becomes difficult to achieve successful outcomes. There fore everybody should feel save to speak
My topics for Smalltalk:
My favorite small talk topic in the corporate world? The whimsical world of ‘Desk Decoration Wars’! Let`s talk about the masterminds behind extravagant desk displays, featuring quirky figurines, inflatable unicorns, and neon signs that light up the office. Everybody has a coworker who creates magical wonderlands at work.
That’s me:
Born and raised in Augsburg, I have been living in Switzerland for 2 years. In my free time I like to travel or discover nature together with my dog.

Frédéric Gaiddon
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Product manager / Solution architect
Task 3.6, 4.2
Specialist topics that interest me:
PTO concerns and needs
Last mile delivery
My “no go” for teamwork:
No interrupting and listen to each other… but also be concise 😉
My topics for Smalltalk:
On-demand transportation
That’s me:
I am deep into outdoor sports!
I like teamwork and product management for the sake of building stuff that matters and will be used!

Gabriel Python
ROSAS – HEIA-FR (member of SAAM)
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Member of WP2, WP3 and WP4
Involve in T2.2, T3.2, T3.4 and T4.4
Specialist topics that interest me:
Innovation, Autonomous mobility, Teleoperation, Smart Mobility, Engineering
My “no go” for teamwork:
Please be on time, I prefer to work on the activities than to lead them.
My topics for Smalltalk:
Autonomous Mobility
That’s me:
Reliable and independent person

Georgios Nikoletos
Information Technologies Institute Center for Research & Technology Hellas
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Business Analyst & Researcher / WP2, WP3, WP4, WP6
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Business Modelling
− Financial Analysis
− Process Reengineering
My “no go” for teamwork:
− Lack of communication and respect
− Backstabbing
− Belittling
My topics for Smalltalk:
− Dogs
− Formula 1
− Space
− Travel
That’s me:
Digital transformation, innovation, continuous improvement of business processes and business analytics are my main work aspirations combined with Statistics, Finance & Accounting, Business Management.

Georgios Spanos
Information Technologies Institute Center for Research & Technology Hellas
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Post doc Researcher (WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5)
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Statistical & Machine learning
− Cybersecurity
My “no go” for teamwork:
− Lack of respect
− Backstabbing
My topics for Smalltalk:
− Education
− Sports
− Travel
That’s me:
Georgios Spanos holds a PhD in Informatics in 2019. His research interests are focused on Statistical and Machine Learning Methods, on Information Security and on Stock Market. He works as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the CERTH-ITI from February 2019

Henriette Cornet
UITP – Thematic Area Leader for Automated Mobility
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
International Collaboration & link with other projects Sharing anything that could be useful for the project based on my work at UITP!
Specialist topics that interest me:
Currently: governance and policy around AVs, for instance: how can we create collaborative frameworks between public & private stakeholders for societal good? But, as an engineer, I also like the tech aspects around AVs. Finally, I enjoyed interacting with “real” people in order to question what we are doing (and not forget WHY we are doing it)
My “no go” for teamwork:
When we don’t take the time to meet regularly in person…
My topics for Smalltalk:
Open to any topics for a small talk 🙂 I like to be surprised!!
That’s me:
Slightly workaholic, I tend to identify myself a bit too much with my work (I’m working on that!! ☺) but urban mobility has been my passion for many years, and I am still hoping I can contribute to something positive.
I compensate with creating nice experiences through food/restaurants, travels and meeting new people around the world. Kind of always on the move…

Hervé Gentil
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 3 / T 3.1
Specialist topics that interest me:
New Technology
Mobility as a Service
Business and economy
My “no go” for teamwork:
None if Respect, Humility and Authenticity are under driving the intentions of the group.
My topics for Smalltalk:
Personal Development
Collective intelligence
That’s me:
Deeply need to be less idiot today than yesterday

Ingri Ørsal Skogsrød
Ruter Norway
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Service designer
Grorud Valley pilot project
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Creating new services: from concept to operations
− New technologies, in particular Mixed Reality and Health and welfare
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of sharing and involvement. Dishonesty and inflexible structures.
My topics for Smalltalk:
Any topics about the future. I have many niche interests, and learning new things is fun for me
That’s me:
I’m a service designer from Norway, with a background in Industrial Design. I’m currently working on Ruters Grorud Valley project in Oslo for an on-demand, shared self driving service.

Ioannis Gkragkopoulos
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
T4.3, Services for Vehicles and Infrastructure, V2X Services
Specialist topics that interest me:
C-ITS, self-driving vehicles, micro-mobility, embedded systems

Jakub Mlynář
HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Sierre, Switzerland
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP2.3 Correspondence of vehicle capabilities to Mobility needs
on behalf of the Swiss Association for Autonomous Mobility
Specialist topics that interest me:
Human-machine interaction, artificial intelligence, education.
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of involvement, unclear division of work and responsibility.
My topics for Smalltalk:
Music, nature, culture…
That’s me:
I’m a sociologist working at the Human Centered Computing Group at the Institute of Informatics at the HES-SO in Sierre, Valais. My general interest is in how people do things together in everyday life and professional settings, especially with technologies. Outside of work, I enjoy hiking and travelling.

Jamie Townsend
Swiss Association for Autonomous Mobility
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
SAAM Project Coordinator, directly working in T3.6 and everywhere that architecture is involved.
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Automated Driving Technologies
− Demand-Responsive Transport
− Integrated Intermodal Transport
− Business & IT Architecture in Swiss Public Transport
My “no go” for teamwork:
− Failure to communicate
− Not setting clear goals with deadlines
− Lack of accountability
My topics for Smalltalk:
− Adventure sailing, including ocean regattas
− Any activities in the mountains
− Tell me about YOU
That’s me:
Born and raised a native Australian. Living in Switzerland for 20 years, now with my wife and 3 kids. IT background in very diverse industries. Founder of multiple startups. Currently dedicating my career to enabling the mobility transition required to ensure the longevity of our planet.

Jorge Pinazo
Capgemini Engineering
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP2 (T2.1, T2.2, T2.3 and T2.4)
WP3 (T3.1, T3.2, T3.3 (Task Leader) and T3.6)
WP4 (T4.1 and T4.4) and WP5 (T5.1, T5.2, T5.3 and T5.4)
Specialist topics that interest me:
Vehicle communications
Embedded SW development
Sensor electronics
My “no go” for teamwork:
When people do not share what is needed to collaborate in a task.
Also lack of commitment
My topics for Smalltalk:
Autonomous vehicles
Sports in general and table and card games
That’s me:
I’m a telecommunications and electronics Engineer passionate about in vehicles communications. I am a very competitive person but with the pass of time I have learnt that a defeat where you learn something will help you to have more victories in the future!

Kevin Salvi
MobileThinking SARL
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 1 – T1.1,T1.2,T1.3, // WP 2 – T2.3, T2.3
WP 3 – T3.3, T3.6 // WP 4 – T4.1, T4,3
WP 5 – All tasks // WP6 – T6.2, T6.3 // WP7 – T7.1, T7.2
Specialist topics that interest me:
Entreprenariat, Project management, Service development, Custom IT développent, Web development, Business development, ex develope
My “no go” for teamwork:
Inequalities, not listening to eachother, being late!
My topics for Smalltalk:
Kids, Ski/Snowboard, Motobikes, Entreprenariat, Business development, Cryptocurrencies, life in general
That’s me:
I am a father of 2 (10 months and 3.5-year-old). Happy husband of an amazing woman. I am focusing my time on quality relationships with my close ones. I am an entrepreneur and the director of a Bachelor in Web development. I like sports like running, skiing/snowboard, soccer.

Lars Abeler
DB Regio AG / DB Regio Bus
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Project coordinator; WP1 – WP7
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Automated vehicles
− MaaS
− Future of public transport
My “no go” for teamwork:
− Toxic behavior
− Unreliability
− Oversized egos
My topics for Smalltalk:
Movies, history, sports (esp. football),
Any request you want me to forward to our PO 😉
That’s me:
I was born and raised in Berlin. After completing my studies in geography at the University of Bayreuth, I pursued a Master’s degree specializing in geoinformation. Following a year spent in Ingolstadt, I returned to Berlin in January and moved into a lovely apartment with my girlfriend.

Lars Gunnar Lundestad
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 1
WP 5 / T 2
Specialist topics that interest me:
Fully automated sAV’s valuechain
Business transformation to shared AV’s
AV technology
My “no go” for teamwork:
Ad-Hoc tasks with roots from escalation, lack of information,
hypothetical dead-lines and other…
My topics for Smalltalk:
Shared AV introduction in PT and the new role of PTA’s,
In-door / Out-door growing
Investing and macro economics
Disruptive technologies
That’s me:
I’m a family man with two three girls 50, 18 and 16. Six years in the Norwegian Armed Forces has made its mark, so has years of technical assignments.
My time outside work is filled with down-hill biking, mountaineering, climbing, Randonnée skiing, flying small planes, kiting, and acquiring new learning. … and Tanzania is where my extended family is

Linda Mathé
Siemens AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
“Advocate for the user”
WP 2 lead, esp. T2.1, T2.4, also involved in T4.1, T4.2, T6.1, T7.1, T7.2
Specialist topics that interest me:
User Experience (UX), UX for AR/VR
User research, UI Concepts, UI/UX evaluations Mobility, E-mobility, Sustainability
My “no go” for teamwork:
Disrespectful behaviour
My topics for Smalltalk:
Travel destinations Good food
Star Trek
Board Games
That’s me:
I love exploring new things, ballroom dancing, reading, good food and wine, traveling, playing games (computer games as well as board games) and most of all my family

Lisa Breithut
DB Regio Bus
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Specialist topics that interest me:
Autonomous driving
Integrated mobility
Digital Business
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of communication
Lack of kindness
My topics for Smalltalk:
Sports (Fitness & Horse Owner)
That’s me:
I have been working in the field of autonomous driving at DB since 2020. I am particularly interested in the further development and advancement of new technologies, especially autonomous driving and integrated mobility solutions, in public transport.

Loan Bétend
ROSAS – HEIA-FR (member of SAAM)
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Member of WP2, WP3 and WP4
Involve in T2.2, T3.2, T3.4 and T4.4
Specialist topics that interest me:
Cybersecurity, Autonomous mobility, Engineering.
My “no go” for teamwork:
Please be on time and do not waste time during meetings
My topics for Smalltalk:
Autonomous Mobility, cybersecurity, sports
That’s me:
On time and always up for a coffee

Loris Schmid
ArgYou AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Partner for digital impact measurements and
KPI evaluation WP 2, WP4, WP6, WP7 / T 7.4
Specialist topics that interest me:
Social media, search engines, e-shops; and how people use them to search Evaluation and market research
My “no go” for teamwork:
When people don’t hear each other out
My topics for Smalltalk:
Sports involving a ball or a puck
Pop culture spanning from books over shows and movies to books
That’s me:
My family owns a small wine cellar and I have been playing football, ice hockey and tennis since I was 5

Mara Cole
City of Munich, Shared and connected mobility
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Advisory board member
Specialist topics that interest me:
mobility as a service, digitisation & mobility, user- centric mobility solutions, mobility platforms, e- ticketing & -sales
My “no go” for teamwork:
Showing up much to late or not at all for online meetings, always having a laptop open/ mobile in hand during f2f meetings
Give everybody a fair chance to provide their opinion
My topics for Smalltalk:
road bike, Norway, Wales, food & drinks, how to juggle everyday life w/ kid
That’s me:
Background in humanities, PhD in psychology, own research focused on future of aviation (safety & security, door2door transportation), now: networker, city changer, mobility enthusiast

Markus Dubielzig
Siemens AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
“Advocate for disabled user”
WP 2 lead, esp. T2.1, T2.4, also WP4, 6, 7
Specialist topics that interest me:
User Experience, Accessibility, User research, IT, accessibility evaluations
My “no go” for teamwork:
When people quickly become impatient, angry or even abusive
My topics for Smalltalk:
Movies & Series (Star Wars, Star Trek, …)
IT gadgets
That’s me:
Attending SC Paderborn home football matches with the whole family, supporting the youth football team for which my son plays, reading a good book, enjoying nature, listening to music, playing games, biking, …

Mariana Pron
Siemens AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Support for WP2 (T2.1, T2.4)
Specialist topics that interest me:
UX Research, UX Design, Information Visualization
My “no go” for teamwork:
Negative team environment, complaints and constant negativity
My topics for Smalltalk:
Travel Experiences, Current Events, TV Shows, Food, Sport, Personal Growth
That’s me:
I transitioned from a linguistic background to computer science. Now, in UX Design, I strive to harmonize creativity from linguistics with logical thinking from computer science to craft user-centric experiences.

Mattia Gustarini
MobileThinking SARL
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Technical leader, WP3 (T3.3 and T3.6) and WP4 (T41 and T4.3)
Specialist topics that interest me:
Human Computer Interaction
IT product design
Software engineer
My “no go” for teamwork:
Tendency to complain rather than find solutions
Lack of progress
Disrespect for deadlines
My topics for Smalltalk:
That’s me:
Hobbies: psychology, reading/writing, beer brewing Sports practiced: unihockey (aka floorball), hiking, and Yoga
Sports followed: Swiss ice hockey league
Mission: learning how to reduce my ecological footprint…

Matthias Lindemann
Siemens AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
“Advocate for disabled user”
WP2 lead, esp. T2.1, T2.4, also WP4, 6, 7
Specialist topics that interest me:
Accessibility, User Experience, User Research, IT, Assistive Technologies, a11y Evaluation
My “no go” for teamwork:
Intolerance & self-promotion, hidden communication
My topics for Smalltalk:
Anything, History, new technologies and gadgets, PT travelling and much more …
That’s me:
Family & Friends, cooking, travelling, reading good books, dancing, working and staying optimistic no matter what happens ….

Martin Neubauer
Swiss Association for Autonomous Mobility
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
SAAM Coordination WP7 – Active in T7.1, T7.2, T7.3
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Autonomous Mobility
− Electric Mobility
− New Technology Developmentsn
My “no go” for teamwork:
− No clear decisions are made
− Meetings that last for hours
− Unreliability
My topics for Smalltalk:
− Woodworking
− Hiking & Skiing
− Travelling around Europe
That’s me:
Born and raised in Munich, Germany. Living in Switzerland for 5 years, now with my wife and 1 child. I have always been fascinated by complex subjects. Autonomous driving is very clearly one of them. The contact with people is very important to me. Therefore, I like to link people very much to be able to create as much synergy as possible.

Miquel Mateu
Capgemini Engineering
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP3 / WP7 Global coordinator of Capgemini Engineering team
Specialist topics that interest me:
Automotive and Future of Mobility
Connected and autonomous vehicles Mobility as a Service
Trends of automotive and mobility industry
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of commitment or partners
trying to avoid their responsibilities in the projects
Lack of clear communication (diplomacy is good, but never in excess…
Clear messages should come first)
My topics for Smalltalk:
Mobility trends
Astronomy, music, sports, cultures, board games.
That’s me:
I am an engineer with more than 18 years in innovation for automotive industry and mobility, as engineer and team director.
But more than that I am a father, a family man and a “geek” of board games, visual astronomy and nature and sports.

Natalie Joray
Open Geneva
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 2 / T 2.5
Specialist topics that interest me:
Open innovation
Public participation
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of communication, lack of creativity and enthusiasm
My topics for Smalltalk:
(Graphic) design
That’s me:
Passionate about involving citizens in the co-creation of a more sustainable future

Nicolà Gabriel
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
T6.2 Vision of cross-sectoral business plans, business models and partnerships
Specialist topics that interest me:
Planning of transport systems and integration of new services such as demand responsive transport, MaaS, micromobility and city logistics into public transport.
My “no go” for teamwork:
No team spirit and unpunctuality in meetings
My topics for Smalltalk:
Next travel destination or the latest technology
That’s me:
I am project manager for mobility innovations and work on different projects at Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich. I am currently completing a master’s degree in Future Transport System at ETH.

Niels Alexander Nijdam
University of Geneva (UNIGE)
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Management and support
Research team lead and researcher
Active in all work packages
Specialist topics that interest me:
Cybersecurity & Data privacy
Anything 3D related (incl. simulations and VR/AR)
My “no go” for teamwork:
What takes you right out of the flow and makes you angry or blocks you?
Sudden deadlines! I need to see them coming to fully enjoy the sound they make when passing by
My topics for Smalltalk:
See items listed under the other headers
That’s me:
Family (Kids are nr1)
Gaming (RTS, FPS, RPG.. you name it) Digital art using Tikz and LaTeX.

Oliver Grimme
DB Regio Bus
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Support staff
Specialist topics that interest me:
Integrated traffic planning,
Autonomous driving,
Automotive Engineering
My “no go” for teamwork:
Insufficient communication, joint Procrastination (a lack of commitment) and people, who do not share necessary Information. (e.g., Progress, Problems)
My topics for Smalltalk:
Music, (Wind)-surfing, Cars & Food ☺
That’s me:
I am a transport student at the Technical University of Berlin and work passionately on transport- related projects out of conviction for the transport turnaround. In my free time, I like to wrench on my classic car, or go to sports. The university taught me to work in a structured and coordinated way (even under time pressure).

Quentin Matthewson
TPG Transports Publics Genevois
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP2 / T2.1 (Passenger and PTO needs and use cases) WP5 / T5.3 (Real Environment Site deployment – Geneva)
Specialist topics that interest me:
All topics related to Ultimo, transport and fun
My “no go” for teamwork:
My topics for Smalltalk:
Board games
That’s me:
Just do IT

Rafael Escarabajal Sánchez
Capgemini Engineering
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 3,4 (In-vehicle APIs, implementation and integration of services)
Specialist topics that interest me:
Robotics, SoftwareDevelopment, MachineLearning and AI, R&D environment
My “no go” for teamwork:
Unwillingness to listen to others’ perspectives or dismissing alternative ideas without considering them. I believe that a diverse range of opinions and perspectives can lead to more innovative and effective solutions, and it’s crucial to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.
My topics for Smalltalk:
Trips/places to visit, Music, Cinema, Board Games (especially Chess), Current breakthroughs
That’s me:
I am excited to share with the team my abilities in this challenging European project. I am finishing a Ph.D. in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Valencia, which helped me gain not only technical knowledge, but also resilience and perseverance. I love working in a multicultural environment.

Roeland Koelman
Bax & Company
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 4, Task 4.2
Specialist topics that interest me:
Business case assessments
Cross sector collaboration
My “no go” for teamwork:
Poor communication
My topics for Smalltalk:
Music & travel
That’s me:
I am a thoughtful person. I like to get to know people and understand their ambitions in life

Stefan Kretzschmar
DB Regio Bus
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Lead of WP5 and T 5.1 Demo-Site in Herford
Specialist topics that interest me:
How autonomous driving and the digitalization might change the transportation systems of the future, in cities and rural areas.
My “no go” for teamwork:
My “no go” for teamwork is when team members consistently fail to communicate effectively, resulting in misunderstandings and delayed progress.
I also find it challenging to work in a team where there is a lack of accountability, as it undermines the collective effort and hampers the achievement of project goals
My topics for Smalltalk:
Almost everything related to sports, especially outdoors (skiing, roadbiking, hiking…).
That’s me:
I have been working at DB Regio Bus in the field of autonomous driving for over 5 years now. The initial pilot projects are demonstrating the potential of this new technology, and I hope that together with ULTIMO, we can take the next step towards an autonomous future in public transportation.

Sonia Bouhali
Open Geneva
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 2 / T 2.5
Specialist topics that interest me:
User centric design
Open innovation
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of communication, strong hierarchies and silos
My topics for Smalltalk:
Cooking and baking
That’s me:
Innovation, sustainability and human development alumni passionate about developing projects around sustainability and health related issues. I am an open innovation enthusiast and believe that a society that progresses is a society that innovates.

Theresa Zimmermann
Siemens AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
User Experience Design Working Student
WP2 support
Specialist topics that interest me:
Everything around UX, from research to concept to testing, new technologies, people
My “no go” for teamwork:
Lack of and disrespectful communication and lack of involvement from all responsible parties
My topics for Smalltalk:
Anything, like the last weekend, the next trip or what’s going on at the university.
That’s me:
I’m currently doing my masters in User Experience Design at THI and i’m looking forward to prove my knowledge and skills at Siemens and in the Ultimo project.

Till Ackermann
Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Advisory board member
Specialist topics that interest me:
Innovation, PT- Business Development
My “no go” for teamwork:
Please be on time
My topics for Smalltalk:
Trains, Food & Drinks
That’s me:
Swabian in the Rhineland

Tobias Hänggi
Swiss Association for Autonomous Mobility – PostAuto AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
SAAM Coordination for T6.1 and T6.3
Specialist topics that interest me:
− New Mobility
− Robotics
− Public Transport
My “no go” for teamwork:
− Lack of reliability
− Swaggers
My topics for Smalltalk:
− Traffic, Mobility, Railway, Cars 😉
− Interested in almost everything
That’s me:
Born and raised in a small village 30 min from Basel. Lived in the big city of Zurich during my studies in Mechanical Engineering at ETH. Back living in rural area now. Always have been fascinated by mobility and everything what’s related to it. I have experience in traffic management and public transport and some knowledge about robotics.

Torben Fisker Olesen
Trapeze Group Europe A/S, Senior Project Manager
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Project coordination, WP2, WP3, T3.6 leader, WP4, WP5
Specialist topics that interest me:
Demand response transportation, Software development, Business review.
My “no go” for teamwork:
– Holding back information
– Disrespectful communication
My topics for Smalltalk:
Soccer, Formula 1, LeMans, Racing, Renewable energy, Travelling, Classic cars
That’s me:
30+ years of experience with running, developing, implementing and designing demand response transportation solutions.

Ulla Arent Henriksen
Trapeze Group Europe / Modaxo
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Project related communication, WP7
Specialist topics that interest me:
− Public transportation
− Sustainability
− Communities/cities
− Communication best practice
My topics for Smalltalk:
− Culture and people
− Cities I like/admire
That’s me:
− 25+ years in communication and B2B marketing
− From Aarhus and Randers, Denmark
− (More on my LinkedIn profile page)

Vibeke Harlem
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Involved in all Workpackages in various degree.
Specialist topics that interest me:
Sustainable cities
Transformation of public transport
Autonomous Vehicles
My “no go” for teamwork:
Only focusing on problems, and not options, possibilities, and opportunities.
My topics for Smalltalk:
Sustainable freedom of movement 4 all
Everyday life
That’s me:
I love to be with my family and friends. In the winter I go skiing (cross-country and downhill) as often as I can. In the summer I use my spare time in my summer house. In the everyday life I use a lot of time watching my son play football.

Wale Arowolo
CentraleSupélec (Paris Saclay University)
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 6 / T 6.1 (Governance impact assessment)
Specialist topics that interest me:
Mobility as a Service
Governance & public policy
Transport & energy economics
My “no go” for teamwork:
Communication gap
My topics for Smalltalk:
Mobility as a Service
Governance & public policy
Transport & energy economics
That’s me:
Lifetime Experiences

Zafeira Gkioulou
ZF Group
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
WP 6 / T 6.1 (Governance impact assessment)
Specialist topics that interest me:
Public transportation,
Vehicle orchestration,
Traveler experience
My “no go” for teamwork:
Disrespectful behavior
Lack of engagement
My topics for Smalltalk:
Artificial intelligence
Outdoors activities
That’s me:
MSc Transport Systems.
Several years of experience within public transportation planning.
Strong interest in sustainable mobility solutions.

Zijun Cui
ArgYou AG
Role in the project and WP / Tasks actively involved in:
Assistant in impact and KPI assessment
Specialist topics that interest me:
Computational text analysis, UX/UI, Digital marketing
My “no go” for teamwork:
Bad communication
Not organized situations
Unclear division of tasks
My topics for Smalltalk:
Culture & Cultural difference, Lifestyle, Education, Food
That’s me:
Goal-oriented, careful, humble
Trying to learn new things in life and get out of my comfort zone