One of the objectives of the ULTIMO project is to foster international cooperation on automated mobility.
And that’s achievable if we collaborate with global organisations working on Connected, Cooperative, and Automated Mobility (CCAM). Therefore, we are happy to announce that ULTIMO has signed an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with Japanese automated mobility initiative CooL4, (Cooperative Level 4 Automated Mobility Service in mixed environment), funded by METI (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
Under the MoU, CooL4, and ULTIMO commit to exchange know-how, lessons learned, and best practices acquired on the design, development, and demonstration of automated mobility.
The collaboration will focus on Mobility Needs (create lists for Japan and Europe’s unique mobility needs, compare and identify differences for tailored recommendations and address distinct challenges and opportunities in each region), Impact Assessment (evaluate technical, social, societal, governance, and business model impacts, integrate automated vehicles into current transport systems, and inform strategic decisions and policymaking) and finally on International Harmonisation.
The signing ceremony took place on 14 November 2023 during the Mobility Innovation Week in Japan, hosted by the Mobility Innovation Alliance Japan, ITS Japan, and UTmobI. During the event, all parties highlighted the essence of international cooperation to advance automated mobility worldwide, and ultimately, to achieve more sustainable cities.