Blog by Arthur’s Legal: ULTIMO and Europe’s choice

Ahead of our upcoming webinar on the topic, project partner Arthur’s Legal, Strategies & Systems wrote the below blogpost on the new Data Act, and the opportunities it brings for ULTIMO and the automated mobility sector. Read the full post below and join us on 15 January for a webinar on this critical topic.

Societal-Centric Inter- & Multimodality, ULTIMO-style: An Integral Part of Europe’s Choice

The Choice is Ours

The new European Commission (2024 – 2029) started its mandate on 1 December 2024. Under leadership of the Commission it is time for Europe to get out its comfort zone, make the right choices, and deliver.

These choices are summarised in the political guidelines, Europe’s Choice as presented by the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

For once, it states that Europe needs a new European Prosperity Plan to:

Make business easier and deepen our Single Market;

Build a Clean Industrial Deal to decarbonise and bring down energy prices;

Put research and innovation at the heart of our economy;

Boost productivity with digital tech diffusion;

Invest massively in our sustainable competitiveness;

Tackle the skills and labour gap.

ULTIMO ticks all the Boxes

When assessing those six main intertwined pillars, ULTIMO aims to further each of those. It seems to tick all the boxes mentioned, although some to a larger extent than others.

ULTIMO does so by focusing on mobility, one of the main societal challenges, while adding logistics use cases to the mix to make any on-demand EV AV multi-vendor platforms both multi-actor, people-centric, societal-centric as well as financially viable and otherwise durable and sustainable.

The lack of suitable autonomous vehicles for public transportation and logistics, and related serious technology layers and essential trust components has however not yet been resolved. The same goes for the lack of demand-side comfort, confidence and courage to seriously collaborate, co-create and co-invest in societal-centric and people-centric capabilities and competences – at scale, and in public-private partnerships.

Get out of our Comfort Zones

The good news it that these challenges are all part of the abovementioned six main intertwined pillars. However, thinking that we can address these and other intertwined societal challenges by doing more of the same and thinking we will get a different outcome, is a low-probability success strategy.

We have to get out of our comfort zones. We must be willing to try new, alternative approaches to provide these essential services to the public, while improving and sustaining the quality of life and planet.

Untapped Potential

Not only ULTIMO and its ecosystem of stakeholders but everyone and the ecosystems we live in, in this Digital Age, have great capabilities to improve and sustain. If, we interact and team up.

One of those great possibilities is the currently still near-hidden treasure called the Data Act, which brings a paradigm shift of having access to currently unavailable data, and having the ability to exploit the untapped potential of data. The Data Act gives back control to data to the customer- and user-side.

Access to data is not only a major driver for competitiveness, accounting for about 4% of EU GDP. It is also essential for productivity and societal innovations, including in mobility and logistics.

However, most organisations in Europe struggle to get access to the data they need – while others, generally non-European companies use European data to fuel their business and market capitalisation.

From Blocked to Unlocked Data

The Data Act will bring a data revolution, for the benefit of people and organisations, public and private, large and small.

The Data Act will also cater for practical application capabilities, for once in the form of simple, clear and coherent model contractual clauses that can be used by anyone, to get access to, make available, share, receive, use and otherwise exploit data. All this, with the aim to do so seamlessly and at scale while respecting high ethical, privacy and security standards.

Join the Data Sharing Revolution

Data, information and knowledge sharing are essential to unlock data, create transparency and spur innovation in an accountable manner. It surely supports the ULTIMO mission as well as related missions including to build, achieve and sustain the appropriate levels of trust and market shaping that are necessary to be truly able to trigger the envisioned symbiotic transformation of future-proof mobility, green, digital and societal transition.

The choice is yours.

Join the upcoming ULTIMO Webinar on 15 January 2025, in which we will further dive into the data access and data sharing paradigm shift, learn where to start yourself, and how you and your stakeholders – including people and society at large – can benefit from it.

Blog by Arthur’s Legal, Strategies & Systems